This web site was created as a way to convey information to everyone  who may be affected by the proposed development of  3 lots in Highland Park neighborhood

Information on upcoming city Council meeting concerning rezoning 3 lots in our neighborhood Z-7759

9/18/2024 at 5:00 PM

This should be the last meeting!!


As you may know that the TMAPC board has voted to rezone the Development from RS2 to RS4.  The next step is for the city council to vote on the proposed zoning change made by the TMAPC board.  

 The City Council will meet to vote on the zoning change this coming Wednesday the 18th  at 5:00 PM.  I would say that as in the past the more neighbors that attend the meeting the better. 

The neighborhood has a letter of protest filed with the city so for the zoning changes to take effect the vote by the council will require a super majority to pass.  To meet the super majoirity 7 of the 9 council members will need to vote for the zoning change.  For the vote to fail we will need at least 3 of the council members to vote the zoning change down.  If any of the Council members is absent then we only need 2 votes in our favor for the zoning change to fail.  

There is paid parking in a parking lot located just south and east of the City Hall building.

You can check the city websites for more information on this rezoning.  Search for Z-7759

The meeting agenda, case materials, and staff reports will be posted at the week before the meeting.

City of Tulsa City Council.

Highland Park  neighbors,  I have talked to one of the city's street contractors and looks like the whole neighborhood will undergo street repairs, patching, some new drainage pipes, and new asphalt road way.  Work is to start after Labor day and will run several weeks. I have no other details yet.

As more information and images are introduced they will be included here.   Please check back

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